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Perimeter Defences Transcription

Welcome to our perimeter defenses module. If your facility is high security, you may wanna consider providing some external boundary protection. Fencing is a common deterrent that can control access to your facility and it's commonly used around the perimeter of a facility. One of the problems with fencing is, that it is unsightly and it also can be expensive.

There are many different styles available and you can use a monitored buffer zone, so that if someone breaches your fence, you will receive some type of alert in your security office or perhaps at your alarm company. Depending on the height of defense you select, you will receive different levels of protection.

3 to 4 foot high fences deter casual trespassers, 6 to 7 foot high fences make it hard to climb easily but may block your vision. And an 8 foot high fence with three strands of barbed wire is considered to be the standard to keep a determined intruder off of your property.

You should remember for the CISSP examination, that critical areas should have at least an 8 foot high fence around them. You should also remember that fences are not foolproof and that a determined attacker could go over the fence, around the fence or even under the fence. PITAS fencing is a detective control that can be used to notify you if someone attempts to enter your facility.

PITAS stands for Perimeter Intrusion Detection and Assessment System. To climb over a fence or damage your fence, it is a mesh wire fence with a cable vibration sensor that will set off an alarm if it detects motion. However, these systems are expensive and they can generate false alarms, especially if you are in an area with a lot of wildlife.

Perimeter walls around your facility can block the view of curious people who want to know what's going on inside the facility. These are typically reinforced concrete or solid brick walls that are at least 10 foot tall. You can have barbed wire or spikes on top of perimeter walls to deter individuals from trying to go over the wall.

Fences and walls are considered a deterrent to control and can help you to deter crowds, keep out trespassers and control access to your facility. You should pay particular attention to fencing at transition areas, gates, washes and gulleys to make sure that there is not a point where an individual can easily get through the fence.

Fences must be built on a proper foundation and should be inspected regularly to verify their integrity. You should make sure that your fencing and walls do not obstruct water flow or you could be creating a water problem on your property. Another type of deterrent that you can use is a bollard.

And bollard is something you should be familiar with for the CISSP examination. These are permanent or retractable posts that can be used to control traffic and protect property. It makes it harder for vehicles to crash through walls and you should place these to protect your facility from vehicles that attempt to ram the building, you can put these between the parking lot or the street and the building.

Some bollards have power and are lighted to make sure that individuals can see them. To the right, you see a picture of some bollards out front of a facility designed to prevent vehicles from driving up that driveway. You can also use large concrete planters which will provide the same level of protection but are much more visually appealing.

Gates will restrict access points and they are the equivalent of a fence or a wall. Any time you have a gate, you should use a strong hinge to resist tampering. You should make sure that these are monitored by closed circuit television, or have an individual guard at the gate to make sure that no one tries to drive through or around the gate.

You can also use key cards or a radio controlled motors in order to make it easier to open the gate for authorized individuals. It is important to make sure that your property is well lit to protect your personnel and to discourage intruders. You should make sure that your entrances are also well lit.

NIST recommendations dictate that lighting be at least 8 foot high and provide at least 2 foot candles of light. You should remember this rule for the CISSP examination. One of the main benefits of exterior lighting is that it can provide detection for individuals that are trespassing on the property.

And also provides a deterrent where individuals may not be willing to trespass if they think they will be seen. A mantrap is a physical security control used to prevent piggybacking or tailgating. Piggybacking or tailgating is when your authorized employee swipes the card or unlocks the door and walks into a building, and an unauthorized person walks into the building behind them.

The man trap has a two door system with a foyer area in the middle. Once the individual enters the first door, they must wait in the man trap until the first door closes behind them before they can open the second door. A man trap can also have a security guard to check credentials and monitor individuals entering and exiting to make sure that no unauthorized individuals enter the building.

You should be familiar with man traps and the term piggybacking or tailgating for the CISSP examination. It is important to have a defense in-depth strategy with multiple layers of protection, in order to protect your facility. These different levels of protection can offer psychological deterrents for intruders as well as a physical deterrent, such as a large fence that makes it harder for them to access the facility. You should make sure that you have a method to see intruders as they approach, so that you can appropriately respond. You will need adequate exterior lighting, to make your employees feel safe and also to make it easier to spot intruders. You should consider motion sensing lights and also attempts to avoid blindspots.

You should make sure you do not blind or silhouette your security guards with lighting. You should make sure that you use sufficient lighting. So, that your video surveillance system can adequately capture events as well as intruders. You can use either visible light, or infrared light which can be used to help your video cameras record images in low light or no light environments.

You can use outdoor vapor lights or fluorescent lighting and you should also consider using emergency lighting with a battery backup that will still function in the event of a power failure. You can use alarms and sensors to detect breaches and notify you that a breach has occurred. There are several types of sensors that you can use including proximity sensors, laser sensors, seismic and motion sensors, and even pressure sensors.

These should be integrated with your barriers and your landscape design to make sure that they're functioning properly. You could use security guards as another layer of defense. Security guards can exercise discernment, the ability to look at a situation and determine what action they should take. But, security guards will be your most expensive control, because you will have to constantly pay them a salary.

Which is different than any other control that once you purchase, you do not need to pay a salary for. Roaming guards will move about the property, giving intruders the sense that they could be watched or that they could be seen by security guards, deterring them from entering. And these security guards can also visually monitor your property and provide an armed response if necessary.

You should be familiar with the fact that security guards could create a liability issue for you. If they injure one of your employees or guests. You can also use dogs to provide an extra level of protection, these can be used outside of your building to deter and detect intruders.

These dogs are acting like extra security guards with a bark to notify you of an intruder and a bite to deter the intruder. You can also use dogs at your facility to detect explosives, drugs or contraband. This concludes our Perimeter Defenses module. Thank you for watching.

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